Matchtröjor Fotboll Barn With the announcement of the 25-man Champions

av | 19 oktober, 2021

Matchtröjor Fotboll Barn With the announcement of the 25-man Champions League squads today, the Premier League’s entrants have thrown up some surprises.Zlatan Ibrahimovic made Man United’s 25 despite the fact he is still recovering from a knee injury and is unlikely to feature for the Red Devils during the first phase of the competition.Perhaps to compensate for Ibra’s delayed return, forgotten youngster James Wilson has found his way into the 25 despite only managing four appearances on loan at Derby County last season before a season-ending knee injury.

For Liverpool, Coutinho’s inclusion is the biggest piece of news and most Reds fans – however upset with his conduct this summer – will be delighted to see the Brazilian in the squad.However, the absence of Nathaniel Clyne is as notable as it is worrying.The England international missed the start of the season due to hamstring and back issues, but it was fully expected that he would return to the fold a few weeks into the new campaign.Now, he has been left out of Liverpool’s Champions League squad and plenty of Liverpool’s fans are fearing the worst on Twitter.Ben Dinnery, a contributor to Physio Room, ESPN and Sky Sports amongst others, has moved to alleviate fears that Clyne’s time at the club is done.The journalist insists that Clyne has simply suffered a setback during his recovery and the injury appears much more serious than first feared.In fact, rumours have circulated that Clyne has a broken bone in his back, but they are yet to be confirmed.Ahead of the season, boss Jurgen Klopp certainly seemed to think it wouldn’t be long before he would have Clyne at his disposal once again.

”He’s on the way back but he’s had no pre-season so far so, for him, it will not only be tight for Watford, it’s pretty much impossible.”He added: ”In the moment, three options for this position: Trent Alexander-Arnold, Joe and Jon Flanagan.”All of them played the position and now we have to bring liverpool tröja herr them through the next one-and-a-half weeks and hopefully Clyney can come back after this. We have to make a decision.”Seems like it’s going to be a lot longer than that, Jurgen.


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